Charlevoix A Tradition Of Hospitality

Mendel Guides

Photograph : Luc-Antoine Couturier

Also available in French under the title: Charlevoix une tradition d'accueil

The Manoir Richelieu hotel and country inns of Charlevoix are familiar to visitors, but the private world of the summer houses and gardens of the area remains mysterious for most. In this new book in the Mendel Guides series, authors David Mendel, François Tremblay and Judy Bross provide a fascinating history and exploration of summer resort life in the region. With short, informative texts, captivating stories and anecdotes, the book is illustrated with historic photographs and illustrations, and more than 100 spectacular new photographs by Luc-Antoine Couturier,

of summer homes, their gardens, and the magni cent Charlevoix landscape.

You are invited to take a vicarious tour of some of these hidden properties that date from the golden era of summer resort life, when prominent Canadian and American visitors, including the President of the United States, William Howard Taft, arrived by steamboat to spend their vacations in the summer homes they built. Discover a remarkable heritage that is very much worth preserving. 



David Mendel, President of Mendel Tours, is an architectural historian and a renowned speaker who has taken cultural groups to the region since the 1980s.

François Tremblay is a respected expert in the region. He was Director of the Musée de Charlevoix before becoming responsible for international exhibition at the Musée de la civilisation.

Judy Bross is an American summer resident who has recently published a book on summer resort life in Charlevoix at the beginning of the 20th century.